F. Veronesi, J. Schito, S. Grassi, and M. Raubal (2017) Automatic selection of weights for GIS-based multicriteria decision analysis: site selection of transmission towers as a case study. Applied Geography 83: 78-85.
P. Kiefer, I. Giannopoulos, M. Raubal, and A. Duchowski (2017) Eye tracking for spatial research: Cognition, computation, challenges. Spatial Cognition & Computation 17(1-2): 1-19.
P. Kiefer, I. Giannopoulos, V. Anagnostopoulos, J. Schöning, and M. Raubal (forthcoming) Controllability Matters: The User Experience of Adaptive Maps. GeoInformatica.
C. Sailer, P. Kiefer, J. Schito, and M. Raubal (2016) Map-based Visual Analytics of Moving Learners. International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction 8(4): 1-28.
Y. Yuan and M. Raubal (2016) Exploring Georeferenced Mobile Phone Datasets - A Survey and Reference Framework. Geography Compass 10(6): 239-252.
Y. Yuan and M. Raubal (2016) Analyzing the distribution of human activity space from mobile phone usage - An individual and urban-oriented study. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 30(8): 1594-1621.
F. Veronesi, S. Grassi, and M. Raubal (2016) Statistical learning approach for wind resource assessment. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 56: 836–850.
A. Korfiati, C. Gkonos, F. Veronesi, A. Gaki, S. Grassi, R. Schenkel, S. Volkwein, M. Raubal, and L. Hurni (2016) Estimation of the Global Solar Energy Potential and Photovoltaic Cost with the use of Open Data. International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management 9: 17-30.
P. Weiser, S. Scheider, D. Bucher, P. Kiefer, and M. Raubal (2016) Towards sustainable mobility behavior: research challenges for location-aware information and communication technology. GeoInformatica 20: 213-239.
R. Ahas, A. Aasa, Y. Yuan, M. Raubal, Z. Smoreda, Y. Liu, C. Ziemlicki, M. Tiru, and M. Zook (2015) Everyday space–time geographies: using mobile phone-based sensor data to monitor urban activity in Harbin, Paris, and Tallinn. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 29(11): 2017–2039.
I. Giannopoulos, J. Schöning, A. Krüger, and M. Raubal (2014) Attention as an Input Modality for Post-WIMP Interfaces Using the viGaze Eye Tracking Framework. Multimedia Tools and Applications. doi:10.1007/s11042-014-2412-5
Y. Yuan and M. Raubal (2014) Measuring similarity of mobile phone user trajectories - a Spatio-temporal Edit Distance method. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 28(3): 496-520.
S. Grassi, S. Junghans, and M. Raubal (2014). Assessment of the wake effect on the energy production of onshore wind farms using GIS. Applied Energy 136, 827-837.
P. Kiefer, I. Giannopoulos, and M. Raubal (2014) Where am I? Investigating map matching during self-localization with mobile eye tracking in an urban environment. Transactions in GIS 18(5): 660-686.
M. Raubal, G. Jacquez, J. Wilson, and W. Kuhn (2013) Synthesizing population, health, and place. Journal of Spatial Information Science 2013(7): 103-108.
Y. Yuan, M. Raubal, and Y. Liu (2012) Correlating Mobile Phone Usage and Travel Behavior - A Case Study of Harbin, China. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 36(2): 118-130.
K. Janowicz, M. Raubal, and W. Kuhn (2011) The Semantics of Similarity in Geographic Information Retrieval. Journal of Spatial Information Science (2): 29-57.
M. Raubal and B. Adams (2010) The Semantic Web Needs More Cognition. Semantic Web Journal 1(1-2): 69-74.
M. Espeter and M. Raubal (2009) Location-based decision support for user groups. Journal of Location Based Services 3(3): 165-187.
M. Swobodzinski and M. Raubal (2009) An Indoor Routing Algorithm for the Blind: Development and Comparison to a Routing Algorithm for the Sighted. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 23(10): 1315-1343.
E. Pultar, M. Raubal, T. Cova, and M. Goodchild (2009) Dynamic GIS Case Studies: Wildfire Evacuation and Volunteered Geographic Information. Transactions in GIS 13(s1): 85-104.
M. Raubal (2009) Cognitive Engineering for Geographic Information Science. Geography Compass 3(3): 1087–1104.
K. Janowicz, M. Raubal, A. Schwering, and W. Kuhn (2008) Semantic Similarity Measurement and Geospatial Applications (Editorial). Transactions in GIS 12(6): 651-659.
M. Raubal, S. Winter, S. Teßmann, and C. Gaisbauer (2007) Time geography for ad-hoc shared-ride trip planning in mobile geosensor networks. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 62(5): 366-381.
M. Kritzler, M. Raubal, and A. Krüger (2007) A GIS framework for spatio-temporal analysis and visualization of laboratory mice tracking data. Transactions in GIS 11(5): 765-782.
W. Kuhn, M. Raubal, and P. Gärdenfors (2007) Cognitive Semantics and Spatio-Temporal Ontologies (Editorial). Spatial Cognition and Computation 7(1): 3-12.
C. Rinner and M. Raubal (2004) Personalized Multi-Criteria Decision Strategies in Location-Based Decision Support. Journal of Geographic Information Sciences 10(2): 149-156.
M. Raubal, H. Miller, and S. Bridwell (2004) User Centered Time Geography For Location-Based Services. Geografiska Annaler B 86(4): 245-265.
C. Nothegger, S. Winter, and M. Raubal (2004) Selection of Salient Features for Route Directions. Spatial Cognition and Computation 4(2): 113-136.
M. Raubal and W. Kuhn (2004) Ontology-Based Task Simulation. Spatial Cognition and Computation 4(1): 15-37.
M. Raubal (2001) Human wayfinding in unfamiliar buildings: a simulation with a cognizing agent. Cognitive Processing (2-3): 363-388.
A. Frank and M. Raubal (2001) GIS Education Today: From GI Science to GI Engineering. Journal of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA) 13(2): 5-10.
M. Raubal (2001) Ontology and epistemology for agent-based wayfinding simulation. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 15(7): 653-665.
A. Frank and M. Raubal (1999) Formal Specifications of Image Schemata - A Step to Interoperability in Geographic Information Systems. Spatial Cognition and Computation 1(1): 67-101.
M. Raubal and M. Egenhofer (1998) Comparing the complexity of wayfinding tasks in built environments. Environment & Planning B 25(6): 895-913.
M. Raubal, B. Gaupmann, and W. Kuhn (1997) Teaching Raster GIS Operations with Spreadsheets. Journal of Geography 96(5): 258-263.