D. Montello and M. Raubal (in press) Functions and applications of spatial cognition. in: D. Waller and L. Nadel (Eds.), The APA handbook of spatial cognition. American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
M. Raubal (2011) Cogito ergo mobilis sum: The impact of Location-Based Services on our mobile lives. in: T. Nyerges, H. Couclelis, and R. McMaster (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of GIS and Society. pp. 159-173, Sage Publications, Los Angeles, London.
M. Raubal (2010) Location-based decision support. in: D. Blumel (Ed.), McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology 2010. pp. 216-218, McGraw-Hill Professional, New York.
M. Raubal (2010) Spatial Cognitive Engineering. in: B. Warf (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geography. SAGE.
E. Pultar and M. Raubal (2009) Progressive Tourism: Integrating Social, Transportation, and Data Networks. in: N. Sharda (Ed.), Tourism Informatics: Visual Travel Recommender Systems, Social Communities, and User Interface Design. pp. 145-159, IGI Global, Hershey, PA.
M. Raubal (2008) Wayfinding: Affordances and Agent Simulation. in: S. Shekhar and H. Xiong (Eds.), Encyclopedia of GIS. pp. 1243-1246, Springer, New York.
M. Raubal and R. Moratz (2008) A functional model for affordance-based agents. in: E. Rome, J. Hertzberg, and G. Dorffner (Eds.), Towards Affordance-Based Robot Control - International Seminar, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, June 5-9, 2006. Revised Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4760, pp. 91-105, Springer, Berlin.
P. Tomberge and M. Raubal (2006) Navigation mittels RFID - Untersuchung der Navigationsmöglichkeiten durch RFID-Eintrittskarten bei der Fussball-WM 2006. in: J. Strobl and C. Roth (Eds.), GIS und Sicherheitsmanagement. pp. 91-100, Wichmann, Heidelberg.
S. Winter, M. Raubal, and C. Nothegger (2005) Focalizing Measures of Salience for Wayfinding. in: L. Meng, A. Zipf, and T. Reichenbacher (Eds.), Map-based Mobile Services - Theories, Methods and Implementations. pp. 127-142, Springer, Berlin.